Naftali Bennett and me – relationship status: “it’s complicated”

My friend was about to be inaugurated as Prime Minister of Israel. For the past year I had done everything in my power to help make that happen. Of course, I had to be there. On the other hand, this inauguration would establish a government with progressive, extreme left, post and anti-Zionists whose ideology, from … More Naftali Bennett and me – relationship status: “it’s complicated”

Israeli elections 101: 7 lessons on marketing, slogans and the “not Bibi” candidate

As a marketer advertising fascinates me. Political campaigns are no different, they are just advertisements on a larger scale, designed to drive life-changing decisions. In tiny Israel, politicians make decisions that swiftly impact our day to day lives. War and peace, life and death are literally in their hands – particularly those of the Prime … More Israeli elections 101: 7 lessons on marketing, slogans and the “not Bibi” candidate