What happens when your mother has no name?

In Jewish tradition a lot of power is associated with words – after all God used words to direct the creation of the universe. In Arab tradition, when the first son is born parents are called “Mother/father of [insert name of son].” Whereas this title becomes an honorific, interchangeable with the father’s name, for the … More What happens when your mother has no name?

A marketer’s perspective: ISIS propaganda and why it works

It is shocking that so many young Westerners leave their homes to join the Islamic State. Why would they want to belong to such an obviously murderous and vicious group of people?! From a marketing perspective it makes sense. The answer is simple:  advertising. Advertising works. We all know that. We also know that advertising … More A marketer’s perspective: ISIS propaganda and why it works

Body count

As terror attack follows terror attack, the body count rises.How many bodies are enough? 1? 20? 200? 6 million?When will enough be enough? The body count rises.But who counts the bodies of those left behind? Parents murdered, orphans left behind… Who considers the children who have to grow up without parents?The boys with no father … More Body count

Freedom fighters

When words are twisted meaning becomes warped. The straightforward and obvious suddenly takes on a new meaning, transforming in to something far from the original intent. Changing words and definitions changes reality. Once the term “freedom fighters” meant people who fight for freedom. Now, somehow this  term has become synonymous with terrorists i.e. people using … More Freedom fighters

People have been waiting for the Caliphate… for the past 90 years?

90 years. In the video this is stated as obvious however I don’t think many westerners have any idea that for the past 90 years Islamists have been dreaming of reinstating the Caliphate. Islamists around the world have been actively working towards regaining the Caliphate by any and all means – the sword, politics (creeping … More People have been waiting for the Caliphate… for the past 90 years?