People have been waiting for the Caliphate… for the past 90 years?

90 years. In the video this is stated as obvious however I don’t think many westerners have any idea that for the past 90 years Islamists have been dreaming of reinstating the Caliphate. Islamists around the world have been actively working towards regaining the Caliphate by any and all means – the sword, politics (creeping … More People have been waiting for the Caliphate… for the past 90 years?

I’m Jewish. Why should I care about the Basilica of the Annunciation?

The Basilica of the Annunciation is one of the most important places in Christendom. It is located in Nazareth (Israel) and was built over an archaeological find, ruins of an ancient home thought to belong to Mary, mother of Christ. According to tradition this is where the Annunciation took place. Actually there are two Churches … More I’m Jewish. Why should I care about the Basilica of the Annunciation?