HaShomer HaChadash: This is a love story between a land and her people, a people and their land

There are some people who don’t hear when others speak the word, “impossible.” Instead, they hear, “it’s possible” or “I am possible.” Their minds begin to race in search for solutions and when there is no logical reason to succeed, faith moves them forward. Who could look at the barren hills of Eretz Yisrael and … More HaShomer HaChadash: This is a love story between a land and her people, a people and their land

My diaspora Hanukah vs my Israeli Hanukah

My American Hanukah’s were tainted by Christmas. Without even realizing it, the way my family celebrated Hanukah was a reflection, not of our Jewish holiday or it’s true meaning but rather of the holiday that our Christian friends and neighbors were celebrating. The homes of our Christian friends were covered in Christmas decorations. Our home … More My diaspora Hanukah vs my Israeli Hanukah